Teacher Appreciation Week
We love our teachers and the passion they have for educating our children. Nominate a deserving teacher for a free lawn service in the teacher nomination form below. Sooner Turf will be selecting teachers from Oklahoma City, Moore, and Norman Public and Private Schools and will provide selected teachers a free lawn service during teacher appreciation week.
Since 1984, National PTA has designated one week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. Teacher Appreciation Week is a celebration in recognition of teachers and the contributions they make to education and society. It is held in the first full week of May of every year and provides an opportunity for students, their parents, and school principals to show their appreciation for the hard work teachers do and the long hours many of them put in. Many educators receive thank you gifts and notes of gratitude from their students during this week, and schools organize events and celebrations to mark the occasion. We at Sooner Turf want to service their lawn for the week to take one less thing off their list of things to do!
Nominations awarded limited to properties up to 12,000 square feet.
Nominate A Great Teacher

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